© 2025 MelodyTimes Concerts
Meet the Team
When you attend a MelodyTimes concert, you will meet lots of nice people, many of whom will be very willing helpers,
perhaps setting out or clearing the chairs, taking ticket money on the door, helping run a raffle or serving interval
The concerts are actually organised by
Michael Wooldridge
Well known in the world of keyboards and organs, Michael started his career by winning the UK Young Theatre
Organist of the Year Competition in 1980, when he was just 15 years old. He went on to work for top
instrument manufacturers Yamaha UK, Hammond UK and Wersi UK, and to tour the world performing, before
diversifying to become a fully pledged show producer, staging theatre tours, pantomimes and summer
seasons throughout the UK. He now publishes the UK’s leading keyboard, organ and digital piano magazine,
the Organ & Keyboard Cavalcade, along with arranging the associated Hobby Holidays that have been so
popular since their inception in the 1980s.
Dave Braithwaite
Dave describes himself as musically talentless but he enjoys keyboard and organ style music and hates to see
communities and all they have achieved disappear. He has become a real stalwart of MelodyTimes concerts,
ensuring that our concerts can continue in both Horsham and Bognor Regis, and attending keyboard & organ
festivals, where he can get to know the top players and see the latest instruments.