Yamaha EL90 Organ keyboards
MelodyTimes concerts are friendly events packed with music for all to enjoy, where like minded people gather for afternoons of fabulous live music performed by top players from all around the UK. If you enjoy the music of André Rieu, Glenn Miller, James Last, Andrew Lloyd-Webber, and the 40s, 50s, 60s & 70s, these concerts are for you!
© 2025 MelodyTimes Concerts


Here are some websites of interest. Please note, all links will open in a new tab so,

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OrganFax The website with links to concert venues throughout the UK, links to the huge majority of organists, and listings of concerts throughout the UK. Keyboard Cavalcade The number one keyboard, organ and digital piano magazine in the UK, this bi-monthly publication is packed with interesting articles, product reviews of all the latest electronic home keyboard instruments, music, information and tutorials from top musicians, including Peter Hayward, Andy Carvill, Penny Weedon, Chris Stanbury and Michael Wooldridge, CD Reviews and much more. Cavalcade Productions also organise a series of organ and keyboard festivals, hobby holidays for music enthusiasts but also with things to do for any partners who are less musically inclined! Sussex Wurlitzers The website for the Theatre Pipe Organ Preservation Society, who run concerts on the Wurlitzers at Singing Hills and the Wurlitzer and Carlo Curley Organs at the East Sussex National. They keenly support young theatre organists and now have their own training academy based at Robertsbridge. Wurlitzer Heritage Trust Always keen supporters of young musicians, the UK arm of the ATOS have organised the UK Young Theatre Organist of the Year Competition since 1978. They also run many fabulous concerts on their 3/19 Woking Wurlitzer. Michael Wooldridge Visit this site to learn more about this internationally renowned player, who is at the heart of running MelodyTimes Concerts, including a complete public dates list and plenty of video and sound clips to enjoy. Also, details of his work as a private music teacher, for regular lessons or one off coaching sessions. Chris Stanbury Visit this site to learn more about the co-founder of Horsham MelodyTimes Concerts, including information about his huge academic achievements and work as an examiner for the London College of Music, and a public dates list. Rye Wurlitzer Academy A fascinating website detailing the work of this Registered Charity, the first organisation in the world to provide children with regular lessons on a Wurlitzer theatre pipe organ, completely free of charge, and to also provide them with free music and free electronic organs at home so they can practise between lessons.
Link to the OrganFax Website Link to the Sussex Wurlitzers Website Link to the American Theatre Organ Society London Chapter Link to Michael Wooldridge's Website Link to Chris Stanbury's Web Page Link to the Rye Wurlitzer Academy Link to the Sussex Wurlitzers Website